Hendrick Mommers
male / North Netherlandish
painter, draftsperson
- Name variations
- Hendrick Mommers
Hendrik Mommers
Slempop (II)Slempop was his bent-name. Dirk Visscher also had the same bent-name (Houbraken 1719). - Nationality/school
from a Flemish family- Born
- 1619-12/1620-01-02
Mommers was baptized on 2 January 1620 in the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam (Jager 2016). The mentioning of Haarlem as birth place is erroneous and stems from Houbraken. - Deceased
- 1693-12/1693-12-21
buried on 21 December 1693. Houbraken wrongly stated he died in 1697, although he was correct in saying that he died in his 74th year (Houbraken 1721, p. 362), - Family relationships
- He was the son of Hendrick Mommers/Mombers from Antwerp and his second wife Lijsbeth Jansdr., from Leeuwarden. Hendrick, living on the Spaarne in Haarlem, posted banns with Maria van Kolpert from Amsterdam in Haarlem on 22 January 1651. He was the gardian and later father-in-law of Jan van Huchtenburg (Van Thiel- Stroman 2006, p. 207 and 210, note 1; Jager 2016)
- Qualifications
- Active in
- 1644 - 1644
According to Houbraken he went to Rome before his entry in the Haarlem Guild. This is doubted by Biesboer (Saur 2016).
1646 - 1646
Mommers went to France: 'france lantschapen' by Mommers are mentioned in inventories of 1653 and 1687; there is a 'View of Paris' of 1668 by Mommers, RKDimages 200555 (Gerson 1942/1983, p. 46-47), which is however, not based on authopsy. Biesboer (Saur 2016) thinks it is unlikely that Mommers ever left the country. According to Ecartico (S. Levert, 2016) Mommers was in Paris in 1646.
1647 - 1672
in 1647 member of the Haarlem St. Lucas Guild; in 1672 mentioned for the last time in Haarlem as dean of the Guild (Thieme/Becker).
1665 - 1693-12-21
In 1665 he moved to Amsterdam (Wurzbach); according to Jager 2016 he had ties with Haarlem as well as Amsterdam at the same time. In 1670 he still witnessed a deed as 'Mr. Schilder binnen deser stede (Haarlem)' for the painter Leendert Stockman. And in 1673 he was (again) dean of the Guild. In 1682 he stood guardian for the painter Jan Schot/Schutt. In 1682 he had some business deal with Ruysdael over paintings. On 21 December 1693 a Hendrick Mommers was buried, coming from the Prinsengracht. After 1693 there is no mention of his name anymore (Jager 2016). - Subjects
- Materials
- Pupil of
- Teacher of
- Brakenburgh, Richard
Droochsloot, Nicolaes
Huchtenburg, Jan van
Maas, Dirk
Remmers, Abraham
Visscher, Theodoor
Abraham Remmers became his apprentice in 1655 (Miedema 1980) Brakenburgh, Maas and Visser were his disciples according to Houbraken; Jager 2016 mentions Huchtenburg (he married Elisabeth Mommers (1651-1701) in 1670; Mommers was guardian of Huchtenburg's children (Jager 2016). - Member of
- See also
- Wolfaerts, Jan Baptist
Mommers bought a house, that had been in de possession of Adriaensz. Gael, with Wolfaert in 1656, where they probably both worked (together?). Although the sale of this house was canceled, the friendship and collaboration between the two painters, who had their roots in Antwerp, must have been a long and cordial one. See Van Thiel-Stroman 2006 and Jager 2016 for details (Jager 2016, p. 328-329).
- Literature in RKDLibrary
- De groote schouburgh der Nederlantsche konstschilders en schilderessen ... zijnde een vervolg op het schilderboek van K. van Mander. [1718] , vol. 2 (1719), p. 354, vol. 3 (1721), p. 184, 362, 383 (as: H. Mommers, bent-named Slempop)
Painting in Haarlem 1500-1850 : the collection of the Frans Hals Museum [2006] , p. 207-211 (in: I. van Thiel-Stroman, 'Hendrick Mommers')
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon : die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker [Saur] , vol. 90 (2016), p. 260 (text: Pieter Biesboer)
De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters, van den vroegsten tot op onzen tijd ... (Strekkende tevens tot vervolg op het werk van J. Immerzeel, Jr.) , vol. 4 (1860), p. 1140
' Galey-schilders' en 'dosijnwerck' : de productie, distributie en consumptie van goedkope historiestukken in zeventiende-eeuws Amsterdam , p. 327-331
Ausbreitung und Nachwirkung der holländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts [Gerson, 1983] , p. 46-47
L' art et les artistes des Pays-Bas à Paris au XVIIème siècle , p. 213
Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler : von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [Thieme Becker] {CATK} , vol. 25 (1931), p. 51
Niederländisches Künstler-Lexikon auf Grund archivalischer Forschungen bearbeitet , vol. 2 91910), p. 180
Rembrandt's rivals : history painting in Amsterdam 1630-1650
Houbraken translated : Arnold Houbraken's great theatre of the Netherlandish painters and paintresses
Gerson digital : Italy : Dutch and Flemish art in European perspective 1500-1900, part V
A checklist of painters c1200-1976 represented in the Witt Library, Courtauld Institute of Art, London [first ed.] - Visual Documentation
- Project
- External links
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- birthplace
- place of work
- place of death
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