
Portrait of Aeltje Petersdr Uylenburgh, dated 1632

panel (oak), oil paint, 73.5 x 55 cm


  • Public domain 1.0

Current attribution
This painting has generally been accepted as an autograph work by Rembrandt. Only Tümpel doubted the attribution and listed the painting as workshop of Rembrandt (Tümpel 1986, no. A 104).
dated 1632

1st Represented
probably Aeltje Pietersdr. Uylenburgh
Identification status
Tribal name
62 years

Portrait of Aeltje Petersdr Uylenburgh
Other/old title
Portret van een 62-jarige vrouw
In 2000, Van der Veen identified the sitter as Aeltje Petersdr Uylenburgh, the wife of Johannes Sylvius and cousin of Rembrandt's future wife Saskia van Uylenburgh. Since then, this identification has generally been accepted. (auction catalogue Christie's, 2000-12-13; see also Broos 2010, p. 89-107).
Subject keywords

73.5 x 55 cm

  • William G. Coesvelt

    Broos 2010, p. 89-105
  • John Smith

    until 1835-07
  • Albertus Brondgeest

    from 1835-07
  • James baron de Rothschild (1792-1868)

    In his 1864 "L'oeuvre complet de Rembrandt", Charles Blanc described the painting as in the possession of James the Rothschild, who had bought the painting at the auction of the "cabinet Périer" in Paris (Blanc 1859-1861, vol. 2 (1860), p. 371). However, according to Broos the painting is not mentioned in any auction catalogue of Périer (Broos 2010, p. 95).
    until 1868
  • Betty de Rothschild

    by descent from her husband James de Rothschild (Broos 2010, p. 95-96)
    1868 - 1886
  • Alphonse James baron de Rothschild (1827-1905)

    by descent from his mother Betty de Rothschild (Broos 2010, p. 96-97)
    1886 - 1905
  • Édouard de Rothschild

    By descent from his father Alphonse de Rothschild.The painting was captured by the Germans during the Second World War, but returned to É. Rothschild (Broos 2010, p. 98-99).
    1905 - 1949
  • Batsheva barones de Rothschild

    by descent from her father Édouard de Rothschild (Broos 2010, p. 99)
    1949 - 2000-12-03
  • Robert Noortman Gallery

    2000-12-03 - 2005
  • Rose-Marie en Eijk van Otterloo Collection

    On loan to the Mauritshuis in The Hague from 2005 until 2008 (Buvelot 2010, p. 20-21) and to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston from 2008 until 2017.
    2005 - 2017-10
  • Museum of Fine Arts Boston

    gift from Rose-Marie and Eijk de Mol van Otterloo
    from 2017-10
  • Stanley
    , A truly valuable selection of Dutch and Flemish pictures, from cabinets of the highest celebrity on the continent; consisting of the genuine works of the most distinguished masters of those schools: the whole property of Mr. John Smith, of Great Marlborough Street, 1828-05-02 - 1828-05-03, lot number: 37
    Lugt no. 11730: "The portrait of an interesting old Lady, said to be the painter's mother, at the age of 62"; bought in
  • Christie's
    , Important old master pictures, 2000-12-13, lot number: 52
    Buyer: Maastricht Noortman Gallery, 19803750 GBP, Broos 2010, p. 100

  • Golden : Dutch and Flemish masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection, Museum of Fine Arts Houston
    , 2011-11-13 - 2012-02-12, cat. no. 48
  • Rembrandt's women, Royal Academy of Arts
    , 2001-09-22 - 2001-12-16, cat. no. 18
  • Made in Holland: oude meesters uit een Amerikaanse privéverzameling, Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis
    , 2010-11-04 - 2011-01-30, cat. no. 31
  • Uylenburgh & Zoon : kunst en commercie van Rembrandt tot De Lairesse 1625-1675, Museum Het Rembrandthuis
    , 2006-09-16 - 2006-12-10, p. 138-140
  • Rembrandt Rembrandt [Frankfurt, 2003], Städelsches Kunstinstitut Frankfurt am Main
    , 2003-02-01 - 2003-05-11, cat. no. 12
  • Hollanders in beeld : portretten uit de Gouden Eeuw, Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis
    , 2007-10-13 - 2008-01-13, cat. no. 52
  • Rembrandt's women, National Gallery of Scotland
    , 2001-06-08 - 2001-09-02, cat. no. 18
  • Golden : Dutch and Flemish masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
    , 2011-07-09 - 2011-10-02, cat. no. 48
  • Rembrandt, Graphische Sammlung Albertina
    , 2004-03-26 - 2004-06-27, cat. no. 80
  • Les chefs-d'oeuvre des collections privées françaises retrouvés en Allemagne, Orangerie des Tuileries
    , 1946-06 - 1946-08, cat. no. 79
  • Golden : Dutch and Flemish masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection, Peabody Essex Museum
    , 2011-02-26 - 2011-06-19, cat. no. 48
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