Museum Night The Hague


RKD — Netherlands Institute for Art History
RKD x Museumnacht Den Haag 2024

This year, the RKD will once again present an extensive programme during Museum Night The Hague. Don't mis out and enjoy unique activities, art, culture and a fantastic atmosphere at cluster The Hague Central, consisting of the National Archives, National Library of the Netherlands, the Center for Family History and the RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History.

The schedule will be announced soon. More information and tickets can be found at

Fred Carasso werkend aan het kleibeeld van de Prometheus op het terrein van het Olympisch Stadion, 1947, collectie RKD

Guided Tour: Memorials: Statues of liberation
Uncover the stories behind the renowned monuments: Wilhelmina in The Hague, De Boeg in Rotterdam, and De Dokwerker in Amsterdam. RKD curator Kriszti Vákár will walk you through the work of four Dutch sculptors: Mari Andriessen, Fred Carasso, Charlotte van Pallandt and Willem Reijers, guided by documentation, images and preliminary studies in plaster and bronze from Museum Beelden aan Zee.

Museumnacht RKD 2023. Abbe jonker, MND

Workshop: Create your own memorial 
Become a 'sculptor' at RKD. Be inspired by the sculptors and their works of art in our exhibition and get started yourself. Do you have a memory that you want to cherish, a special moment that you want to celebrate, or do you want to inspire others? In this workshop you will have the opportunity to create your own memorial that you can hold dear forever. 

Hasan Gök & Polly Luna Maria, Poetry Circle

Spoken word with Poetry Circle
Take a seat and get carried away by the lyrical words of the spoken word artists at the RKD. In their performances, the artists Hasan Gök en Polly Luna Mareflect on the themes concerning the exhibition Memorials: Statues of liberation.

Vulnerable and sincere is the work of spoken word artist, poet and host Hasan Gök. From his own world of feelings, he shares a social sound that is often left unseen. He tells unheard stories about a diversity of backgrounds that converge in his own life: son of a Turkish father and a Kurdish mother, raised in Dutch society, queer and Muslim, lover of both the spotlights on stage and the silence of the night.

The Hague-based artist Polly Luna Maria draws inspiration from the natural sciences, philosophy and theology. With her spoken word, she blows away the dusty layer of these theoretical fields, linking rational approaches to reality and her own human feelings and experiences.

Dutch spoken. Two performances; times to be announced later.