Luitspeler, ca. 1624
doek, olieverf, 67 x 60 cm
- Huidige toeschrijving
- Verworpen toeschrijving
- Hals, Frans (I) ca. 1624
Bode 1883Hals, Dirck ca. 1624
Davies 1902Leyster, Judith ca. 1624
Trivas 1940; Amsterdam 1960; Hofrichter 1989 - Datering
ca. 1624
To be dated c. 1624, following the drawing by David Bailly, which is dated 1624 and which was based on this painting (Grimm 2023-2024)
- Titel
- Luitspeler
- Andere/oude titel
- De nar
- Genre
- Onderwerpstrefwoorden
- Object
- Drager/techniek
- Vorm/maten
- 67 x 60 cm
- Artistiek verband
- Luitspeler
- Luitspeler
- Luitspeler
- Zelfportret met Josephus Augustinus Brentano (1753-1821)
this painting, or the prime version of the composition by Hals himself
- Collectie(s)
- Private collection
possibly owned by the artist David Bailly, Leiden
vanaf 1624 - Josephus Augustinus Brentano
tot 1822-05-15 - Johannes Rombouts
tot 1850 - Leendert Dupper
by descent from his uncle Johannes Rombouts
1850 - 1870-04-12 - Rijksmuseum , inv./ SK-A-134
as copy after Frans Hals
bequest Leendert Dupper
vanaf 1870-04-12
- Private collection
- Veiling(en)
- Brondgeest, Albertus , Het beroemde kabinet van schilderijen, der voornaamste Nederlandsche, Italiaansche en andere meesters, nagelaten door den wel-edelen heer Josephus Augustinus Brentano, 1822-05-13 - 1822-06, lotnummer: 133
Koper: De Lelie , 111 florijnen, Bikker/Bruijnen/Wuestman 2007
as by Frans Hals (I); probably this painting
- Brondgeest, Albertus , Het beroemde kabinet van schilderijen, der voornaamste Nederlandsche, Italiaansche en andere meesters, nagelaten door den wel-edelen heer Josephus Augustinus Brentano, 1822-05-13 - 1822-06, lotnummer: 133
- Literatuur in RKDLibrary
- Bode 1883, p. 16
as by Frans Hals - Davies 1902, p. 102
as by Dirck Hals - Hofstede de Groot 1907-1928 (German edition), vol. 3 (1910), p. 26
as copy after Frans Hals - Valentiner 1923C, p. 307
as copy after Frans Hals - Van Riemsdijk 1934, no. 1093
as by Frans Hals - Trivas 1941, p. 61, app. 4
as copy after Frans Hals, possibly by Judith Leyster - Amsterdam 1960, p. 176, no. 1455
as by Judith Leyster - Slive 1970-1974, vol. 1, p. 85, 87; vol. 3, p. 13, under no. 19
- Grimm/Montagni 1974, p. 91
- Van Thiel et al. 1976, p. 257, no. A 134
as copy after Frans Hals - Hofrichter 1989, p. 37, no. 1
as by Judith Leyster - Slive/Biesboer et al. 1989, p. 170, fig. 14c
as anonymous copy after Frans Hals - Biesboer/Welu 1993 (eng), p. 350-355, no. 39
as follower of Frans Hals - Schapelhouman et al. 1998, vol. 1, p. 16. no. 28, ill.
- Bikker/Bruijnen/Wuestman 2007, p. 183-184, no. 113, color ill.
- Tummers 2013, p. 113
- Grimm 2023-2024, no. B4
as workshop of Frans Hals (I)
- Bode 1883, p. 16
- Project
- Permalink
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