Portret van Rembrandt met gevederde baret, 1635 gedateerd

paneel (populierenhout), olieverf, 91.2 x 71.9 cm

atelier van Rembrandt of toegeschreven aan Rembrandt

  • Publiek 1.0

Huidige toeschrijving
Verworpen toeschrijving
Flinck, Govert 1635 gedateerd
This painting was always considered as an autograph Rembrandt until doubted by Gerson in 1968. He proposed that Govert Flinck could have been the painter (Gerson 1968, no. 171). However, some art historians remained convinced that the painting is an autograph Rembrandt (see for instance: Bredius/Gerson 1969, no. 25; Wright 1982, p. 41, no. 24). In 1989 the members of the RRP rejected the attribution to Rembrandt and suggested that the painting was made by an unknown member of his workshop. Nevertheless, other art historians still remained convinced that the painting is made by Rembrandt (Simson/Kelch 1973 p. 99; Slatkes 1992, no. 251). In volume 4 of the Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings the conclusion from volume 3 was carefully revised stating that an attribution to Rembrandt "cannot be entirely excluded" (Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings 1982-2015, vol. 4 (2005), p. 604). In the latest volume of the Corpus the painting is listed as an autograph Rembrandt with the possibility that the master was assisted by one of his pupils (Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings 1982-2015, vol. 6 (2015), no. 134).
1635 gedateerd

Portret van Rembrandt met gevederde baret
Andere/oude titel
Self portrait wearing a feathered bonnet

91.2 x 71.9 cm

  • Fürst von Liechtenstein

    vanaf 1767
  • Edward Speelman Ltd.
  • Harold Samuel

    tot 1987
  • Private collection
  • The National Trust
    , inv./cat.nr. 810136
    Buckland Abbey
    vanaf 2010

  • Prized possessions : Dutch paintings from National Trust Houses, Holburne Museum
    , 2018-05-25 - 2018-09-16
  • Jonge Rembrandt, Museum De Lakenhal
    , 2019-11-02 - 2020-02-09, cat. no. 143
  • National Trust: Hollandse meesters uit Britse landhuizen, Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis
    , 2018-10-11 - 2019-01-06
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