Haman erkent zijn noodlot (Ester 6: 6-10), late jaren 1640

doek, olieverf, 127 x 116 cm

atelier van Rembrandt

  • Publiek 1.0

Huidige toeschrijving
In 1989 Liedtke rejected the painting and suggested an attribution to a pupil working under Rembrandt's immediate influence, possibly Samuel van Hoogstraten (Liedtke 1989, p. 157-160).
Verworpen toeschrijving
Rembrandt late jaren 1640

late jaren 1640

Those who accepted the attribution to Rembrandt generally dated the painting c. 1665. In 1989 Liedtke rejected the painting and based on the painting technique suggested a date in the late 1640s (Liedtke 1989, p. 157-160).

Haman erkent zijn noodlot (Ester 6: 6-10)
Andere/oude titel
David and Uriah (2 Samuel 11:14)

Haman's discomfiture: Ahasuerus orders the royal robes and his horse to be bestowed on Mordecai
see Tümpel 1986 for the different identifications of the subject of the painting

127 x 116 cm

Artistiek verband

  • John Blackwood

    tot 1769
  • Catharina de Grote (tsarina van Rusland)

    vanaf 1769
  • Hermitage
    , inv./cat.nr. ГЭ-752
    vanaf 1773

  • Dutch and Flemish paintings from the Hermitage, Metropolitan Museum of Art
    , 1988-03-26 - 1988-06-05, cat. no. 26
  • Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (1606-1669), Nagoya City Art Museum
    , 1982-11-06 - 1982-11-21, cat. no. 10
  • Rembrandt : his teachers and his pupils, Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art
    , 1992-08-07 - 1992-09-16, cat. no. 12
  • Rembrandt : his teachers and his pupils, Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art
    , 1992-06-13 - 1992-08-02, cat. no. 12
  • Rembrandt : his teachers and his pupils, Bunkamura Museum of Art
    , 1992-04-15 - 1992-06-07, cat. no. 12
  • Dutch and Flemish paintings from the Hermitage, Art Institute of Chicago
    , 1988-07-09 - 1988-09-18, cat. no. 26
  • Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (1606-1669), Bridgestone Museum of Art/Ishibashi Foundadion
    , 1982-09-11 - 1982-11-03, cat. no. 10
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