State of affairs: RKD Research

RKD Research

More and more features are coming to the users of RKD Research. In this post you will find the latest state of affairs of RKD Research, recent additions and the explanation of developments on the art history research platform.

Filters Hofstede de Groot files in RKDexcerpts

With five added filters, you can search the Hofstede de Groot fiches in the RKDexcerpts database more easily. The filter Artist (Hofstede de Groot sheets) allows you to search by artist with further refinement on levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is important to use the filters in the correct order, from top to bottom. The lower filters are adjusted based on previous choices, both in terms of content and visibility.

Click here for an explanation of the RKDexcerpts database and the Hofstede de Groot files

Searching the databases

Within RKD Research, you can search nine different databases: RKDarchives, RKDartists, RKDcollections, RKDexcerpts, RKDimages, RKDimages Lite, RKDlibrary, RKDtechnical, and on 6 November, Marks on Art was added. Read about databases here. To the right of the search bar you can select which database you are searching in, or you can search in all databases at once. More search filters are being added in the future. You can use an extended search form in RKDartists and RKDimages, which can be activated by clicking on the plus sign to the right of the search icon.

RKD Research visual search


Most images in the databases can be downloaded by anyone at low resolution. With an RKD Research subscription you can download a large number of images at high resolution. The ‘image quality and download’ button below the image gives information about the resolution with and without a subscription. High-resolution images are not always available. Some images in RKDimages Lite are not yet visible in the database, which are still being checked for privacy-sensitive information. You can consult them on the computers in the RKD study room.


When searching in RKDarchives, not only the archives are displayed, but also all separate archive components (files). The left column shows in which archive the particular file is located. The archive items can be expanded via the down arrow. To open a file, double-click it. The digitised inventory numbers can now be recognised by the image icon. Scans of the archive items can be downloaded just like other images.

User feedback

RKD Research is not yet complete. Data, search fields and details will be further completed in the coming period. Links between the various databases are also being worked on. If you are logged in, you can place additions and comments at the bottom of a record.